A passion for helping teachers share their amazing talents, and for helping all students experience success

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

We will be offering the following learning sessions this year with the Alberta Consortia & other Education Partners:

  • Words Their Way, K-6, click here

  • NetWORDing Conference, Oct 26th in Calgary (Free!), click here

  • Layers of Reading, Grades 5-9, coming Winter 2025

  • Literacy & Leadership in my School, coming Spring 2025

Some of the Sessions We Offer

  • 5-Part layers of reading series

    How do students make sense of the text that they read? In this 5-part series, we dig into 6 key elements that contribute to students’ understanding of text: concepts of print, phonological awareness, word study, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. First, we explore why each layer is critical to the reading process. We then examine how to deliver components from each layer in our instruction to enhance students’ learning and uptake. Finally, we dig into practical classroom strategies that not only help student develop each layer, but also engage students in their literacy development.

  • Effectively implementing Words their way

    Words Their Way is the gold standard of word study programs, but in practice, it can be a challenge to implement. Teachers often become overwhelmed, and as a result, give up on using it in their classroom. Join us to find out why this type of word study instruction is important and how it can be easily executed. We will uncover the ways in which this program improves spelling development and fosters reading and writing acquisition. See the amazing outcomes that three classroom teachers have achieved using this word study approach. You will leave with hands-on strategies and activities that can be readily implemented in your classroom.

  • Desigining A K-2 literacy program

    With the inundation of literacy programs, strategies, practices, and research that is available, deciding what to prioritize and how to structure your literacy classroom so you can ‘fit it all in’ can be a challenge. In this session, we will share some of the evidenced-based practices to consider when building your program and dig into ways to organize your classroom from the earliest years to grade 2. The focus will be on building a robust literacy program that meets the needs of your students and particular context, and is aligned with all components that are a must in developing the foundations of literacy. From read-alouds to independent reading and writing, you will leave with concrete ideas/ways to structure your literacy program!

  • Impact of Screen Time on Early Learning

    With the promise of creating 21st century thinkers and meeting all students’ educational needs, teachers are expected to integrate technology throughout their everyday programming. However, not all digital educational technology is created equal. How can we make everyday decisions in choosing which educational technology programs to select? In this session, we will debunk technology myths and answer practical programming questions by exploring the brain research on learning through screens. We examine the impact of digital device use on children’s physical and language development, and consider how to make the best use of technology at home and in the elementary classroom.

  • The foundations of writing instruction

    Learning to write is one of the most complex processes for students, yet little professional development is offered to guide teachers how to create a robust writing program. Join us as we examine the critical components to writing instruction including printing, word study, idea organization, text structure, vocabulary, and purpose. Help your students become masterful authors.

  • Introductory Session: The foundations of Reading

    For a condensed Layers of Reading session: Have you asked yourself: How do I know that my students are building a strong literacy foundation? This 2.5 hour workshop session presents an overview of the 6 foundational pieces in early reading instruction: concepts of print, phonological awareness and phonics, word study, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. We briefly explore each of these foundational pieces, discuss best practices that support literacy development of these skills, and will also examine the continuum of learning for each.